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School Community Builder

Collaborative Inquiry/Learning Partners

Learning Partners logo.jpg

Mission/Purpose of Collaborative Inquiry/Learning Partners Department

Our mission is to provide our colleagues, both new and experienced, with an additional resource, or forum in which to collaborate and communicate in a reciprocal, non-evaluative, supportive, reflective and confidential manner. Learning Partners facilitate and supports peer-mentoring, collaboration and teacher inquiry. We are able to provide teachers with valuable release time, allowing them to connect and share within the challenging structure of our extended day schedule.

Benefits of our Learning Partners Program

  • Extends existing support systems for both new and experienced teachers
  • Facilitates deparmtmental and inter departmental teacher collaboration by providing release time
  • Provides a safe, supportive and confidential forum for teachers to seek advice, ask questions, seek feedback and/or reflect on their own practice and explore and extend their innovative teaching practices
  • Encourages both new and experienced teachers to explore, examine and evolve their teaching practices to meet the diverse needs of our students and improve student achievement. 
  • Provides an increased sense of collegiality and support by encouraging teachers to extend their learning beyond the walls of their classroom, decreasing teacher isolation
  • Provides an opportunity for teachers to model ongoing learning and growth for their students
  • Facilitates Teacher Inquiry

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