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At Sullivan Heights, students reserve lockers through an online system starting Friday, August 30th.  Instructions for reserving lockers online are noted below, and will also will be posted on the school’s website.  

 In most cases, students are not required to share lockers. We have several new lockers installed in the addition and these begin with the letter E.   If you wish to reserve a locker in that area of the school, please look for locker numbers beginning with that letter.   

Please note students are not required to reserve lockers; reserving and using a locker is entirely optional. 

 Questions may be directed to the office or Mr. Thibault.

 **Use of gym lockers – students are to use their own personal locks to lock their belongings in the gym change room and must remove the personal locks as soon as class is finished, in time for the next period of PHE classes to use.   Locks left on lockers longer than one period will be cut off.  

Instructions for Reserving Lockers Online

 Go to the locker administration web site for the school:

  • Your user ID is your student number (refer to your go-card or your MyEd portal)
  • Your password is your birthdate entered as MMDDYYYY
  • A map of the locker zones is included in this system, with the exception of the E-Wing

  Select an area (zone) of the school where you would like your locker to be.  

  1. Click on a zone and the available lockers will appear. 
  • Green means a locker is empty. 

 Select a locker. Once you have selected a locker you will be able to see the locker combination. You will also be able to login at any time in the future to see your assigned locker and combination. 

  1. Once you have selected a locker, you cannot change it through the online application. 



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